Beijing University of Technology Yifu Library Project



Project Name: Beijing University of Technology Yifu Library Project
Project Scale: Shading Area: 5000 ㎡
Type of Shading: Ceiling 92 series fabric FTS dual motor tension system
Project Location: Beijing, China

The Beijing University of Technology Library was officially established in 1960, located on the first floor of the North Teaching Building, with a collection of over 60,000 volumes. In 1982, the school raised funds to build an independent library building of over 8,000 square meters (now the North Library), which promoted the development of library services. In 1992, the library automated its operations using self-developed library management software, becoming one of the first libraries in the country to implement computer management. In 1997, the library established an electronic reading room, beginning to offer CD database retrieval, multimedia CD reading, and internet services.